The newest release from Wigflip Records recently blessed my inbox. This one comes compliments of Will Pesta aka Happy Family, but is released under the moniker Inflatable Mattress. Real Talk is a beat tape that has been brewing over the past several months.
Will has been working on the Happy Family full length the past several years, but wanted an outlet for some less song-oriented sounds. I've been digging on these wacked-out hip hop beats, and got some insight from Will yesterday while he was sitting in on an abstract painting lecture.
Real Talk sports 26 tracks, ranging from five seconds to two and a half minutes in length. Noting yesterday that he had been listening to a lot of abstract and experimental hip hop, it's clear these beats aren't going to lay the track for the next Kanye West single. But man, would I love to see someone take a stab at throwing some verses over these sounds. Check out "Have a Nice Trip See You Next Fall":
Just like Happy Family and other like-minded Wigflip releases, Real Talk boasts samples taken from just about everywhere. Some samples in these come from tracks by friends, including ones from Run DMT and Free Kisses. Other sounds derive from youtube videos, Tina Turner chanting on Larry King Live, and his parents records.
The result is some, at times, pretty dirty beats that are filtered through electronic haze and spliced together with intergalactic noise. Will attempted to put at least one of these together each day, eventually polishing them all into a record. They all flow together in a warped out kind of way, and are an ideal accompaniment for car rides and cosmic freestyle throw-downs.
You can grab this free release over at Wiglip Records right now.
1 comment:
thanks for posting this, never heard of this label or anything but d/l this now and will check out that one dude Run DMT the covers are tight too btw
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