Sometimes you need a show like this one in your life. Even if you're not in it for channeling your inner rage, there's something about rowdy and abrasive rock that leaves me feeling replenished. I'm not sure if this goes for most, but after Saturday night's show at the Golden West with Drunkdriver, Surroundings, and Leather, feeling of rejuvenation ensued.
I'm guessing most who attended this sold out affair felt tired and maybe bruised afterwords, as thrashing, moshing, and crowd surfing were all activities of choice during the show. This act of fan appreciation might have been a first for a show at the Golden West, and there were certainly decorative casualties - most notably the flags that got torn down and wrapped around Mike and the crowd. I couldn't help but focusing my attention on the gold Buddha that sits behind the host stand, as it shook back and forth violently throughout Drunkdriver's entire set.
While this may not have been the best choice of venue, that fact only seemed to add to the show's allure, and by all means things went as well as they could have. As for the music, Drunkdriver and Surrounding were both phenomenal. While Surroundings were a more cut and dry version of hardcore, they showed much promise. Drunkdriver were the obvious highlight, and a much more progressive surge of noise and flailing limbs. They've got a self-titled LP due out on Load March 22nd, with a smattering of SXSW performances leading up to this highly anticipated release.
These are some of our favorite photos so far this year, peep them below.



Photos by Valerie
1 comment:
agreed. awesome photos.
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