Friends and Friends of Friends is the first Friends Records compilation, and will feature new and exclusive tracks from Friends Records artists and their friends. The digital version was wrapped up last night and made available for free today right here.
Clocking in at an hour, there are 15 tracks of mostly Baltimore based music - a hand picked batch of all different shapes and sizes that that we've been cooking up around town for the past few months. All this week I'll be featuring tracks from this comp, starting today with new sounds from Lands & Peoples, Height with Friends, and Winks.
"In Living Colour" is a brand new song from Lands & Peoples that will appear on their upcoming debut full length. This is the current incarnation of the tune, recorded by Christopher Freeland at his Beat Babies studio. Lands & Peoples play the Ottobar May 14 with Wye Oak and Ami Dang.
Brand new Height with Friends and Winks are after the jump.
"Current Floor" won't be on the new Height with Friends LP, and features a beat that got passed around between Height and his friends, originally stemming from a King Rhythm track off of Hardships & Head Trips. HWF heads back out on a national tour this week, and their new LP called Bed of Seeds will be ready for turntables shortly. The album release party will be May 28th at the Hexagon with Weekends and more TBA.
Winks is Chase from INEVERYROOM, with the help of Adam Lempel (Weekends) and others. This is a brand new song that features Renee Clark's beautiful vocals as well, and is another gem under this new project's belt. I highly recommend checking out Winks' debut, and you can now grab a physical CDR courtesy of Environmental Aesthetics.
lands and peoples + winks are both ballers. these recordings are terrific
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