Operating under the moniker Ed Schrader's Music Beat, Ed Schrader has a new band. Joining Schrader over the past year has been Devlin Rice, who was added to play bass with Ed when "he was asked to play a rave in Baltimore." It's been working out rather well since, as Ed continues to enforce his drum and vocal performance but now with the added bonus of Devlin's bass. Here's their first proper recording.
"Rats" is the first single, due out on a 7" via Load Records this week. It is a fine example of the pulsing simplicity that E.S.M.B. does best, driving a point home with insanely raw power. The song gets off to a quick start as Schrader's lyrics start with the rats themselves, questioning why they "wanna go and kill our haircut." When the beat slows down, and Devlin's bass becomes more anthemic, Ed recites a more grandiose verse:
"From the musk to the man to the guillotine,You begin to get the picture that Ed might not be talking about actual rats, though being from Baltimore, it's still a strong possibility. "Rats" boasts a stellar production team, as it was recorded by Twig Harper and mixed by Chester Endersby Gwazda. The 7" is due out soon, but the full length called Jazzmind is slated to drop on Load Records this fall. Ed Schrader's Music Beat hits the road tomorrow, dates are after the jump.
from the musk to the man to the satellites of death."
Ed Schrader's Music Beat - July 2011 Tour
14 Providence RI- Machines with Magnets
16 Boston- The Butcher Shoppe
17 Albany NY-Valentines
19 Buffallo NY-Soundlab
20 Cleveland OH- Happy Dog
21 Detroit- Scrummage Space
23 Chicago IL- Ball Hall
24 Lexington KY- Al's Bar
25 Knoxville TN-Pilot Light
26 Athens GA- farm225
27 Asheville NC-the Get Down
28 Greensboro NC- Legitimate Business
29 Raleigh NC- Kings Barcade
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