This week my real life mailbox was graced with a fantastic slice of analog joy, the new cassette from Avocado Happy Hour. Take a first listen to "Daytime Television" below.
"Daytime Television" is the opening track on the new full length, which is quite aptly titled Easy Listening. I look forward to getting more acquainted with this 35 minute release, but couldn't wait much longer to share the opening track. Amanda Schmidt and Rod Hamilton have crafted an entrancing swirl of synths, vibes, and vocals that cast light on the darkest of places using radiant sonics. Percussion is kept to a minimum and is often non-existent, while melodies are left to keep a pleasant pace.
Upon the first few listens, it's become clear that Avocado Happy Hour's stellar live show has translated to amazing things in the studio. The album was recorded by Rob Girardi, an individual responsible for some of our favorite local records of this decade. Look for more gushing and info on this purple cassette in the coming weeks.
wow - love this track. i just wish it went on for another ten minutes!
underwhelming. this track feels dull. somehow stuck between trying too hard and not trying enough.
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