As previously mentioned, the band will be releasing free MP3's via their site as they record them. They are accepting donations along the way, and will release the full set on vinyl upon completion of the endeavor.
While this is an ideal new take on the process, if these release plans completely blow your mind you probably either A) don't follow current music or B) work for a major label. However if the music does, that's alright. These 2 new gems are right along par with the steady and luminous growth of Celebration over the past few years.
Since their s/t debut, the band has melodically rocked our world in a jubilantly atmospheric manner. Katrina Ford's vocals continue to brilliantly dominate, and one can only assume the new jams illuminate even heavier live.
Since their s/t debut, the band has melodically rocked our world in a jubilantly atmospheric manner. Katrina Ford's vocals continue to brilliantly dominate, and one can only assume the new jams illuminate even heavier live.
They just played SXSW, but check back for updates on future shows. Stream Celebration's new songs on my yellow playlist to your right, or download them right now.
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