2004's breakthrough Ta Det Lugnt landed them on the laps of music fans stateside, and was instantly recognized as an epic LP.
With Kieth Moon-like percussion, hazy pop-induced keys, and acid rock guitar riffs, most English speaking folk likely forget the lyrics are in Swedish about 2 minutes in. Hell, I'm pretty sure after approximately 197 listens of Ta Det Lugnt that I can speak fluent Swedish too. If this one's absent from your collection, gå köpa den nu!.
The band has since put out two other records, Tio Bitar and 4. Both of these are clearly worth your time, and continue to resurrect a timeless era making use of today's elements. The mastermind behind Dunjen, Gustav Ejstes, writes and records most of the tracks for their records, but generally tours with at least three other members.
Supporting Dungen is NY's Woods, whose Songs of Shame recently dropped via Woodsist. The new LP goes down easy, packed with smooth lo-fidelity folk pop. The majority of the record is easily accessible and likable, but a 9 minute venture of jammed-out noise with Magic Markers' Pete Nolan keeps you on your toes. Should make for a solid opener.
I've got a pair of tickets to give away, so no excuses for missing Dungen roll through our fair city. Send an email to bmoremusicallyinformed@gmail.com, and consider yourself entered. I'll pick a winner the night before the show, check email then.
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