Supreme experimental folks man Brian Adam Ant has unveiled some exclusive premieres from his Sphinx demos, or officially titled, "everything I've done in new york city".
The following streams are a compilation of semi-completed works resulting from his habitation in Brooklyn. All tracks come highly recommended, but the first jaunt "Granny Smith Potplatter Sample", is a must.
Credit supporting vocals on "I Don't Know Why" to Australia's Emma Zakarevicus. Look forward to shows and more music from Mr. Ant, as he will be relocating back to the city of charm and peacefully rocking our worlds shortly.
The following streams are a compilation of semi-completed works resulting from his habitation in Brooklyn. All tracks come highly recommended, but the first jaunt "Granny Smith Potplatter Sample", is a must.
Credit supporting vocals on "I Don't Know Why" to Australia's Emma Zakarevicus. Look forward to shows and more music from Mr. Ant, as he will be relocating back to the city of charm and peacefully rocking our worlds shortly.
Granny Smith Potplatter is a Baltimore song. Brian Adam Ant is a cheater!
But seriously. If your reading this and you dont know who Brian Adam Ant is, ya need to mosey over to his myspace or his house and hear his songs. You can also check the dollar bin @ Sound Garden from time to time ! =X
Actually, I might be the cheater. He did this one right before he moved away, which I thought was close enough. Plus, it's kind of awesome and all.
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