Tonight there's a super solid one at the Pet Cemetary with Lands and Peoples, INEVERYROOM, Beyond Say, and Eachothers. Lands and Peoples and INEVERYROOM are amidst and eary summer mini-tour, but are making a quick stop in their hometown before they head off to West Virginia.
I was lucky enough to catch these guys play the Bushwick Rooftop Festival over the weekend, which was a whole mess of fun. On Sunday in Brooklyn the festival kicked off with a trio of Baltimore goodness as Lands and Peoples, INEVERYROOM, and Weekends all melted faces and hearts. The heavy sun on the black and crowded rooftop might have played a part in the melting too, but the bands all sounded pretty rad.
If you read this space often you're probably aware that I'm very familiar with Weekends and Lands and Peoples, but INEVERYROOM is a band I've only had the chance to see once or twice before this weekend. Here's a taste off of their current tour CDR...
Their psychedelic surf sounds prove to be extremely catchy, weaving in and out of intergalactic galaxies and into pop song structures with ease. These folks are a must-see, and I highly recommend snatching up their awesomely packaged CDR. They are also part of a tour cassette tape split with Lands and Peoples, a secret surprise Friends Records release that you can also snag tonight.
The show starts at 9 PM, and special guests are tentatively promised.
I had heard this was going to be an early show, like 8 to 11:30. Can anyone confirm or deny?
I highly doubt this one will end by 11:30. Will let ya know if I hear otherwise.
and the FB event page confirms that this starts at 9!
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