I've been stoked for a lot of the releases to come out of the Wigflip ranks this year, but there was one brewing all along that the mere thought of had me foaming at the mouth. Will aka Happy Family emailed me Banana Split last week, a split release with Happy Family and Run DMT. I have not listened to much else since.
We got the first taste of this release a few weeks back, when Run DMT's "Spruce Bringstein" seemed to appear magically on the interwebs from up and out of the clouds.
"Spruce Bringstein" is a clear departure for Run DMT, an incredibly catchy 60s vibe pop song that is a long ways away from the experimental sound collages painted on Bong Voyage and Get Ripped or Die Tryin'. While I was (and still am) a sucker for the his first two releases, this jam is easily one of the best single tracks I've heard all year. In what could be one of the more intriguing on-stage collaborations I've heard about, Lands and Peoples joined Run DMT on stage to play this live down at Total Bummer. L&P claims they butchered it, but they can do no wrong in my mind.
While the A side is full of four new tracks from Run DMT, the B side sports three new gems from Happy Family. "Youtube" made it's way to the internet a few weeks ago, but is now the official single of the release. Check it out in all it's glory.
I raved about Happy Family's debut EP last year, and its clear Will has one-upped his game and has is ambitions set high. "Youtube" is one of the prettier tracks I've heard this year, with sounds that warm your insides and calm your brain cells . There's a spacey and ghostly feel to all this beauty, like the feeling one gets when they go bowling with space-spirits somewhere on Mars for dollar beer night. If that didn't make any sense to you, please listen to "Youtube" once more. Yes.
Banana split is closed out with Happy Family's "Laura's Diet" and "Going To", two tracks that flow seamlessly into one another with a very pure and upbeat grace. Wigflip will be offering the split in either compact disc or cassette tape form, both of which you can pre-order right now.
1. spruce bringsteen
2. murder she wrote
3. heavy vibin'
4. cash for gold
6. youtube
7. laura's diet
8. going to
Available June 1st.
these just sound like poor panda bear rip off tracks
I disagree completely.
happy family is mostly sample-derived, whereas panda bear sings the majority of his vocals. big difference.
and the run dmt/panda bear comparison, where the F is that coming from anon?
What song does RUN DMT's spruce bringsteen sample from?
If you guys cant see that these dudes are lame AnCo ripoffs then I feel bad for you. (the listener) This is coming from a longtime AnCo fan.
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