Friday evening offers the probable highlight of the weekend, as Celebration play a very special show at the Creative Alliance. The night begins with $6 chili and drink specials, but is capped off with an acoustic AND electric set by Celebration. While their Electric Tarot project might appear to be at a standstill online, the band had been hard at work recording some new tunes. You can still get a peek at some of these new jams from our audio of their last show at LOF.
Check out your three options for Saturday after the jump.

If destroying restaurants ain't your thing, you've got two more options. Everyone's favorite local free-punk jazzers Microkingdom are at the Penthouse Gallery with Daytime, Sky Way, and Not the Wind, Not the Sky. Daytime's Mirrored World still get's late night plays in my rotation, a disc I mentioned digging late last year.
Last but not least, the always polite Thank You headline the Zodiac. This one's supported by Silk Flowers, DJ John Eaton, and the uncomfortably entertaining Funny Clown. This one will run you just 3 dollars and starts at 10 PM.
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