There are shows, there are events, there are happenings, there are productions, there are parties, and sometimes there is just a room with people in it and music being played. Tomorrow night Co La (Matt Papich) and Daytime (Neal Reinalda) are presenting all, some, or none of these occurrences at Remington's Open Space.
July 30th's gathering is called Chance Gets Lucky, and it promises to go beyond the normal boundaries of Co La's champagne-pouring performance. The piece is based off a series of stories that have been posted on the Co La's Tumblr, and promises familiar songs that are remixed and re-contextualized. Papich describes tomorrow like so:
"At some point it becomes clear that the music is winding down. Encoded in the sound is a message that begins to make people aware of their surroundings again. This is partially because everyday sounds have been introduced on top of the music. It reminds people that abstractions are only openings, not the whole thing. Many people only now notice the changes in the space, and are surprised to see the monochrome paintings on the walls. They take pictures of themselves and their friends in front of them, like tourists, but often flash a little cleavage or moon the camera. Spirits are high. There are a variety of fliers and handbills on the floor. Some advertise events that have already happened, others represent services or brands. The flyers are simply designed, but colorful. Some are pure color, it's hard to tell if these are advertisements or not. There are now items for sale at the reception desk. One is a book whose cover reads "Bum Joke Book". Inside there is a spiritual exercises guidebook. There are also small porcelain copies of popular logos, like the Nike Swoosh or the Macintosh Apple. They've been cast so that you can smoke pot out of them, packing a bowl carved in the cup of the Swoosh, and hitting from the long pointy side. "
The evening starts at 9 PM, costs five dollars, and you can RSVP right here.