With their debut full length dropping last year, this is the first heard recorded material from Future Islands this year. This 7 inch is a welcome introduction to their catalog, and could quite possibly be the best one-two punch we'll hear from any band in 2009.
Feathers and Hallways come at us via the UK label Upset the Rythym, on glorious heavy duty white vinyl. With no designated B side, its easy to see why the band had an issue deciding on the lead track. But if forced to choose, "Pinnochio" is yet another example of the trio's keen ability to craft ridiculously catchy and meaningful pop songs.
While the synths are typically at the forefront of their tracks, the vocals aim for the center of attention of these two pieces. Sam's epically entertaining voice beckons through just like his fantastically grand showmanship does at live shows. If this is a look into what the new LP will bring, the band is perched to solidify top reigns in it's niche for upbeat tracks about finding yourself.
Future Islands have a full length in the works that should see the light sometime this year. Head over to their myspace to stream "Pinnochio", or head here to order the new disc online. Soundgarden also has copies, but jump on it because these two tracks won't be part of the upcoming LP.
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