Cullen Stalin and Scottie B continued their onslaught of dance-happy acts as part of No Rule Monday night a the Metro Gallery. This week featured a local rap duo that have been blowing up (Playboy even hyped them), with the Get 'em Mamis taking to the stage.
Compliments of Jeff, the Baltimore Taper, you can take a listen to their entire set via download as MP3 or FLAC files. If you missed out on this one, you're going to want to take a gander after the click.
It was a bit past midnight, and the Get 'em Mamis hadn't even arrived at the gallery yet. But the two showed up, cut the bathroom line while hopping up and down, and then hit the stage. After bumping Terrawesome and it's preview mixtape pretty extensively, I was pretty intrigued to see what a Get 'em Mamis live show entailed.
You can hear for yourself below, but these girls certainly kept the party going. The set was jam-packed with some of the more lively joints off Terrawesome, and the GEM's rocked them with class. Climbing speakers and having fun with the crowd, this is a duo that deserves the spotlight. Don't miss these girls next time around. But if you did this time, indulge below.
Get 'Em Mamis
No Rule at The Metro Gallery
Baltimore, MD
November 9, 2009
FLAC Files: http://www.box.net/shared/h25k5nvdv1
MP3 Files: http://www.box.net/shared/sa53193162
Source: Peluso CEMC6/ck4(card)>PS-2>AD-20>NJB3
Transfer: NJB3>PC>SF-7>Wav>FLAC
Taper: Jeff Mewbourn (jm292@yahoo.com)
1. Intro-Run This Town
2. Boss Bitch Business
3. Alpines Kickin'*
4. Shake It All Night
5. The Champ
6. Rolling Stonez
7. Rock With Me
*House volume goes up at 1:29
Sound: Sarah Williams
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